Welcome to RCSB PDB Embedding Search Prototype

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Search Parameters

RCSB PDB: Search 3D structures in RCSB.org database, including experimental entries and Computed Structure Models.
AlphaFold DB: Search 3D structures in AlphaFold DB.
Search By
Chain: Use a PDB chain as a query for the search.
Assembly: Use a PDB assembly as a query for the search.
PDB ID: 4-letters code of a PDB entry.
Chain: Instance identifier for the PDB chain defined as the mmcif term label_asym_id.
Assembly: Assembly identifier defined as the mmcif term _pdbx_struct_assembly.id.
Chains: Returns PDB chains.
Assemblies: Returns PDB assemblies.
CSM: Include RCSB.org Computed Structure Models in the search results
# results: Number of returned search results.
Similarity Type
Local: Uses unmodified scores from the embedding model. Local structure similarity may rank higher.
Global: Scores are scaled based on the relationship between the number of residues, using the factor: min(query_length, target_length) / max(query_length, target_length).
Switch to upload form: Use a coordinates file as a query for the search.
Format: Select the coordinates file format (.pdb, .cif, or .bcif).
Chain ID: Use a specif chain of the structure (optional). If not present all chains are used.